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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Mikołaj, since I got a new name - Dzwoneczek and I was taken by wonderful people from Hell - my previous home, I began to believe in miracles ... My life was a ordeal marked by great suffering actually from the very beginning. Because I am a French bulldog, I was born with a serious allergy, which untreated causes me terrible skin problems and digestive system ailments. Of course, I also have trouble with my ears, eyes and breathing. My "master" or actually the torturer was not completely interested in me. He appeared and disappeared, did not go out for walks with me, did not teach cleanliness or fun, he did not feed properly, he did not care about treatment - he did not spend time at all ... He did not care about my fate that when he went to prison, he left me with my cat's friends in a closed apartment, without access to food and water ... It was a real miracle that we survived and that finally someone heard our loud sob and call for help ... The foundation sent their volunteers who pulled us out of us this hell - exhausted, starved, sick, living in their own excrement ... now I am at a temporary home. I'm slowly recovering. The wounds on the skin heal, and under the influence of the tender touch of the babysitter, also on the soul slowly heals ... Fortunately, not all people are bad and not everyone needs to be afraid of all ... I think so, and quietly I dream that maybe it will happen. Another tiny miracle in my life and with you, Santa Claus, you will bring me what I currently need the most ... I dream of delicious, dry food from insects, which helps to treat my sick skin, digestive tract and silences allergies. I could also use a dietary supplement in the form of omega acids, as well as comfortable braces and a leash, because I finally got to know what a walk was! I love to go out and enjoy a new life but unfortunately it's hard to walk without proper protection. Thank you Mikołaj with all my heart for every, even the smallest gift. 
Your Dzwoneczek.

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